Monday, August 31, 2009

Marcus update #17

Hello again. Sorry it's been soo long again. Things have been kind of crazy this last month with Marcus. We've had a couple of echo's, some blood work, some chest x-rays, 2 trips to the ER, and one weekend stay in Phoenix Childrens Hospital.

There is still no word on why the pericardial effusion came back. It has gotten smaller, but Marcus is still on the lasik (medicine). We are also now dealing with another mystery, which was the reason for his recent hospitalization. He has an increased need for oxygen. We are mainly working with the cardiologist on both of these issues. We have not had the heart cath. yet, but when I spoke to the doctor on friday, he sounded like we would be moving forward with that soon. That may give us an answer to the oxygen question. I think that we were all hoping that the effusion would be resolved first, but that doesn't seem to be happening yet.

I know that this isn't much information, but I just wanted to let you know what was happening. Marcus is doing well otherwise. He is healthy and happy and growing just like he should be. He weighs about 14 pounds now. I will update again as soon as I get some more information. Thanks again for your prayers.

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