Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Marcus update #6

Hello again. Sorry it's been a while since I've posted an update. I just got back from spending a couple of days in Phoenix with Marcus. I stayed at the Ronald MacDonald House - it was pretty nice. Anyways...

Marcus is doing better and better again. He was up to 5 lbs. 4 oz. yesterday. I gave him a tub bath and a massage, and enjoyed being with him all day. His color is really good. His platelets are going back up and were at 62 yesterday.

They never figured out what caused the blood in his stool last week, and they probably never will, but that's ok. So, his billirueben is down - good - his platelets are going up - good - and his feedings are going well and increasing - good. He still doesn't eat from a bottle or nurse well, and you can pray that he will learn, but he can come home even if we have to tube feed him.

So basically continue to pray that Marcus will grow stronger and healthier each day. Our family is doing better. Please pray that we will stay healthy now so that when Marcus is ready to come home, he comes home to a healthy environment.

Thank you for your prayers. Hopefully the next time I send an update I'll have a date for Marcus's homecoming. Praise God for how He is answering our prayers and yours as well.


  1. What a beautiful baby! I'm happy to hear he's getting better. I know you're thrilled! I pray he continues to heal & gets to come home soon. Also, there is home health for kids available if he needs it. So ask & see if there is some nursing coverage in your area. Even though you want to be at his side at all times, you may eventually need alittle "backup" & have the assurance he is cared for by a nurse when you aren't with him. Just my 2 cents as you work on plans to get him home! Hope this helps!

  2. Thanks for your comment and suggestion. I appreciate it. Kim

  3. Is that???red hair? Where did that come from?

  4. I think that it's brown with maybe a hint of red. But, if you look at the family photo, you'll notice that our youngest girl has really red hair. We have a bit of Irish in us. Maybe that is where it's from.
