Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Marcus 2nd update

Marcus is improving a little at a time. Chris and I just went down and visited him again yesterday and took more pictures. Basically what I am understanding needs to happen in order for Marcus to be able to come home is that he needs to get to where he doesn't need to get anymore transfusions of platelets. Right now he is getting them about every other day. Yesterday the doctor explained that Marcus's bone marrow is producing enough platelets but that his large liver and spleen are absorbing them (or doing whatever it is that they do with them), so that there are not enough in the rest of his body. So his liver and spleen need to shrink so that they are the proper size for his body, and taking only the amount of platelets that they should be for a baby his size.

His feedings are going well. He is up to about 22 ml every 3 hours, and he is gaining weight. He is up to about 4lbs. 11 oz. He still can't eat from a bottle or nurse, but he will work up to that and that is also not keeping him in the hospital. We can tube feed him at home, until he gets strong enough and learns to eat.

Marcus is still getting some oxygen too, but that is not keeping him in the hospital, and he will eventually not need it anymore.

So keep praying for Marcus. We hope that you have a wonderful Christmas.

I know that we are not the only ones that are going through a difficult time in our lives. If you have anything that you'd like us to pray for you can email me at and I will pray for you.

May God bless you and keep you in His loving arms this season as you remember His priceless gift to us. I cannot imagine living life without the hope I have because of Jesus.

Merry Christmas,


1 comment:

  1. Marcus looks absolutely amazing. The Lord is truly marvelous to have done such miracles. I heard the first report, and it it sounded like death, and now this report...truly life from the dead.
    I am praying for you every time I think about it. And we are are praying for you every time we hear about it.
    You guys look great...a truly hardy family, hangin in there by God's grace and power.
    It's inspirational guys! Give the family my love, and thanks for not giving up. For lots of reasons!

    Merry Christmas,
    Talk to you later!
