Sunday, February 22, 2009

Marcus update #9

Hello again. For those of you sho don't know yet... Marcus is home again! He came home February 13th, so he's been home for a little over a week. He is doing well. Thanks for your prayers.

Marcus weighs about 7lbs. 7 oz. now. He is nursing full time - since Thursday morning when he pulled his feeding tube out. I will put it back if necessary, but he is nursing so well that it is not necessary now.

Please continue to pray that the Lord will close the holes in his heart soon, without surgery. Also, pray that God will protect Marcus from sickness. Even little things for us are major for him right now, and we don't want him to be sick in the hospital again.

The rest of our kids are healthy and doing well. Please continue to pray for more hours at work for Chris, or for a different job.

We still don't have internet at home, so please be patient with me if you email. God bless.
